Thursday, September 30, 2010

DAY 76

Today I am grateful for: adventures in cooking

I am grateful that when it comes to cooking, I am becoming fearless. Tonight I baked a roast dinner for the first time in my life. Yes - it is true. I have been afraid of roasting meat. Somehow my head told me that anything that tasted so good must be incredibly complicated to create. I was pleasantly surprised to learn just how mistaken I was.

Luckily my Mum was my dinner companion, and being a seasoned roaster, was able to tell me some of the tricks of the trade. I also stepped out of boring Linda land and baked Eggplant and Parsnips tonight as well. It was a night of newness. And it was delicious.

I actually spent 3 hours in the kitchen tonight and I don't think I could have been happier. I have emerged from a tidy kitchen with roast chicken and vegetable leftovers, a chocolate mudcake cooling on the bench and to-die-for fresh strawberry icecream in the freezer.

Happiness is ... sharing kitchen creations.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Linda. You'll be a seasoned roaster before long too!

Anonymous said...

Linda. Your Aunt is really proud of you! A roast is the easiest thing to cook. Its my standby when I can't think of anything more inspirational. But icecream is something I've never tried. Can I come for a meal when I'm next in Toowooomba?
I love 100days, It's amazing what you think of
!Love, Aunt Jane