Friday, September 24, 2010

DAY 70

Today I am grateful for: coming home

After travelling for 24hours I finally arrived back at my Toowoomba home this afternoon. It was great that my Aunty Sandie and Uncle Rodney were able to pick my up from my flight (as their flight from Canada arrived 2 hours before mine did).

When I got home I headed straight to mum's place, where she was waiting for me along with my brother Brian and my 2 nieces Eden and Ava were waiting as well.

There is something completely soul-affirming about homecomings where the people who are meeting you have missed you while you have been away. After lots of hugs from everyone we headed next door to my unit to say hello to my cats and to start unpacking.

I received mixed responses from my cats - Molly (the dark one) was excited to see me while Lulu (the dumb one) had forgotten who I was and ran away before I could get near her. Luckily she remembered again after everyone had gone home so that was nice.

My bedroom held more surprises - my bed was covered in balloons thanks to my friend Dana and her hubby Jason and my own dear mother's help. They also hung 'welcome home' banners everywhere too.

My amazing flat-mate Naomie had bought me some of the most beautiful roses I have ever seen - a brilliant orange. They remind me of the colour of sherbert. What am amazing welcome home - with roses and family, hugs and balloons. It was wonderful to me missed.

I am grateful for coming home and for being missed.

1 comment:

Alison Smith said...

all those balloons & no one to play with them! youre still wearing the clothes you left me in... miss you already but glad you had such a lovely homecoming. xox