Monday, July 19, 2010


Today I am grateful for: sparkly diamonds

I LOVE my diamond rings. My first was the one on the bottom. I was 25 and tired of being the only girl I knew who didn't have any diamonds. I felt incredibly empowered when buying myself something usually reserved for nervous guys with big plans and credit cards. It became my status symbol to the world - I was single but not destitute. I had bling.

The second was my 30th present from some amazingly generous friends and family. Instead of presents I asked for donations for a new diamond ring. I spotted this one and it captured my heart.

I'll admit that I'm a girl who likes shiny things. Every morning I put these rings on and they make me happy. I sometimes even get distracted at work and find myself admiring how sparkly they are. I think deep down they prove to myself that I can make it on my own. If I can buy my own diamonds there might just be nothing out there that I can't achieve. Who knew transparent rocks could be life affirming.....

1 comment:

Rowan said...

"lindar bling".

I can see it now..... day 46: I am grateful for my matching diamond knuckle duster