Friday, September 17, 2010

DAY 63

Today I am grateful for: a quiet(ish) day

With a wedding quickly approaching in 2 days it was good to take a little time out today to actually breathe. Well in actuality, Alison took time to breathe (not really, she has mummy-enamoured children) and I went shopping with two of my Aunty's.

I caught Jamin nearly falling asleep this afternoon, directly under where Albi the cat was taking nap. I found it a little amusing that they were mirroring each other.

I am loving spending time with my Canadian relatives and my Toowoomba Aunty Sandie, Uncle Rodney and cousin Sam - there is a strong Aussie contingent at this wedding which is fun! We spent a bit of time over dinner discussing the best way to eat vegemite to ensure the most edible result (not on a bagel!).

Somehow tonight when it was time to get the hamburgers on the BBQ there was not a man to be found around (they do disappear quickly), so I saved the day and did the BBQing. I had to take a photo because I was so proud that I was successfully not setting anything on fire at the time.

I also wanted to show you how us Moes's do dessert.From left: Danish, cheesecake, brownies and my choc-chip cookies. Yummo!

So tonight's house count is currently at 27 and climbing (and everyone is related somehow).
Sleeping arrangements are:
  • Bedding down outside in 2 x RV's - 6 adults and 2 kids
  • Inside the house - 8 adults
  • In the other house in town - 9 adults.
So that is a total of 25 people involved in the wedding sleeping tonight. I don't know everyone's name. I am a bad guest. I did make 5 dozen cookies for the wedding gifts though, so I feel like I am contributing somehow.

Loving every minute here but also looking forward to getting back home to the rest of my family too.

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