Sunday, August 22, 2010

DAY 37

Today I am grateful for: a mother who makes me things

I decided that I didn't want to be lugging my bulky camera bag around the US (mostly because it would make me look like a dorky tourist) so I got a medium sized Billabong bag on sale that is perfect for my camera and a couple of lenses + assorted other items required for touristy things.

I didn't want the lenses and camera banging around in there so I sweet talked my mum in to making me some little drawstring cases for them. I would have preferred black but she refused to make them unless I chose colours. Now it looks like there is a party going on in my bag.

I'm grateful that my mum is crafty with a sewing machine and can manage to turn my crazy ideas in to actuality. Thanks mum!


Diana Grace said...

Ohhh, nice!

Alison Smith said...

they do look like they are having a party :)

Joy Argow said...

so pretty :-) I'm booking one for me :-)

Selena said...

And they're padded too! Very well made Mrs Moes!

Helen Flynn said...

Linda, today I found your blog through a link on my daughter-in-law's facebook page...Maree. I hope you don't think I was prying,but as I read I laughed and cried as you shared your thoughts. I am grateful that Brett and Maree have a friend as beautiful as you.