Monday, August 9, 2010

DAY 24

Today I am grateful for: Joy and her taco salad

Joy is staying in the 'Street of Moes' for a couple days this week as while she gets the hang of her new job - at Easterfest with me (hooray!).

Joy is spending her early evenings at my place, then wandering next door to mum's unit to sleep in her spare room. I like to think of Mum's place as the East Wing of my little unit!

I was really happy when Joy offered to make dinner tonight - taco salad - a truly American dish that is like a mix between tacos and a garden salad. Even more yummy because I didn't have to make it myself.

I am so grateful that Joy is back in the land of Oz for a while (as she has been in the US for the last couple of years) and I am very grateful that she is lending her brilliance to Easterfest again. Joy reminded me today that when she worked for the festival about 5 years ago I wore her out so badly that she had to go home early on the first night of the festival so she could get some sleep. Hopefully this year it will be a case of 'forewarned is forearmed'. It's going to be great working with her again!

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