Wednesday, August 4, 2010

DAY 19

Today I am grateful for: Lulu

I thought I would deviate away from what has turned out to be this week's grateful theme (people) to something different. This is Lulu. Lulu is one of those expensive purebred cats that aren't allowed outside because they are too expensive to replace of they get lost, stolen or are sent to the big kitty litter box in the sky.

Lulu isn't the smartest cat in the world, or in my street or even in this house. I think that in an attempt to make her the most beautiful cat in the world, something had to be traded off - and sadly that was her intelligence. If Lulu was a person she would be Paris Hilton - pretty to look at but not a lot going on upstairs.

The one endearing trait of Lulu is her undivided loyalty and love for Molly. I think the second Lulu lay eyes on Molly she thought 'ah, there you are sister' and has never looked back. Lulu always knows where Molly is in the house, and if by chance she can't find her she wanders around the house crying and looking for her. If a cat could lament, that is what she would be doing.

In the top picture you can see Lulu giving Molly a little 'lick, lick, lick'. I think in Lulu language that means love. To Lulu, nothing says 'I love you' like a lick to the side of the face.

I'm grateful for Lulu, who sits on my lap, sheds white hair all over my clothes (grrr) and reminds me that beauty isn't all it's cracked up to be, and that having a mind will probably get you a lot further in life than a pretty face ever will.

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