Wednesday, August 11, 2010

DAY 26

Today I am grateful for: star shaped happiness

Today I chose the stay home and bake instead of heading out the door to the gym after work. There is something extremely cathartic for me in mixing sugar and vanilla, butter and chocolate, heat and time. I think the challenge is in achieving perfection - I might make the same recipe over and over, and every time I am competing with myself to do it better than the time before.

I also love flipping through my recipe books and files, searching for the perfect thing to make for that specific occasion. I love to test myself with something tricky - just to see if I can make it look and taste like it should.

Today I was making my version of a birthday celebration in biscuit form. It's my niece Ava's birthday next week and my new plan is to not arrive for birthdays without something baked with love in my hands. Can you think of anything more like a party than chocolate with hundreds-and-thousands in the shape of a star?

I'm grateful for finding something I can do for others that brings me equal amounts of joy in the creating... Oh and I am grateful for taste-testing too.


Kazbar said...

Hi Linda
I just wanted to tell you that I find your blog inspiring :)
I'm not entirely a complete stranger - I think you probably know my brother Brad and sister in law Di (Schultz) and I know Danny and Alison. It was Di who told me a while back that you had a blog going because she thought I'd be able to relate to many of the things you blog about. She was right! I'm 35 and single and working out how to deal with that in a world made for couples.
I'm grateful for other girls who understand that being single in one's 30's is not always as glamorous as it's sometimes cracked up to be... and I am grateful for people who remind me that even so, we still have lots to be grateful for.
I'm sure Ava will love the biscuits!

Alison Smith said...

yum yum! Jamin says "I want to eat those all up! Can we have some?"