Sunday, October 3, 2010

DAY 79

Today I am grateful for: live music

I believe that music is a gift. Musicians share part of themselves every time they pick up their instruments or open their mouths to sing. Music transcends age, race, sex, education. It levels the playing field. Enjoyed by many or few, it is available to all regardless.

I myself have very little musical ability. My mum used to play the piano, and my brother is quite attached to his tin-whistle, but that is all we Moes' have got. Granted I work in the music industry, but regardless of that I think I would still be just as passionate about music if my employment was completely unrelated. That is the beauty of music. It is available

I went to an excellent show in Brisbane last night with 'Boy & Bear'. I would love these guys even if my friend Rowan wasn't their manager. They make outstanding music.

I liken their sound to the feeling you would get at a bonfire on a tropical beach, with the red sun setting over the water, a cool drink in your hand and smell of Jasmine and coconut in the air. That is Boy & Bear to me .

Sometimes music is fun - like Boy & Bear 'Rabbit Song'
Sometimes it can break your heart - like Damien Rice 'Blowers Daughter'
Sometimes is makes you think - like Regina Spektor 'Laughing With'
Sometimes it convicts - like Brooke Fraser 'Albetine'

There is so much music in my life it is hard to separate it out. Maybe another blog for that.

Today I am grateful for live music. For the rare chance I get to experience music in my bones. Feel the drum beating with my heart. To close my eyes and just breathe. To dance like no one is watching.

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