Sunday, July 18, 2010

Day 2

Today I am grateful for: my mum coming home

Mum's been in America visiting my sister and co for the last 3 weeks. This morning my alarm went off while it was still dark - pulling me out of bed to head to the airport for a 7am pickup.

I hadn't realised how much I missed her until she was in the car with me on the way home. I'd missed the easy way we talk about life and family, books and movies, friends, colleagues, pets, food and pretty much anything else that pops into our heads.

I am incredibly grateful to have such an amazing mother. Someone who understands, listens, laughs and loves regardless. Mum knows what it's like to live with disappointment. She understands that not all problems can be solved, and that some sadnesses just need to be acknowledged and not placated.

I baked some 'welcome home' chocolate mud cupcakes with ganache icing - which were quite delicious with a cup of tea in mum's sunny kitchen when we got home.

PS: Mum's cat, Finn, was seemingly ambivalent to mum's return. Must be a cat thing.


Alison Smith said...

those muffins look delish! looks like your default has reset :) Also love the pic of mum. Your photos are beautiful - i am feeling some blog envy...

Anonymous said...

The muffins were unbelievably good. You are a great daughter!