DAY 52
It is the last day of 2010, and I am looking back on the year.
In 2010…
- I started writing this blog and learned to be grateful in the moments when I felt anything but
- I went on 6 first dates
- I went on 1 second date
- I went on 1 date where the date failed to show up
- 4 members of my family moved to America, and took part of my heart with them
- 1 friend moved to New York City
- 1 friend moved to Melbourne
- I have had 2 housemates
- I have read 45 books
- I took the longest holiday of my working life
- I spent 8 amazing days in New York
- I spent 14 days in Utah and found my heart again
- I travelled to Vancouver and back, met some amazing people and saw some of the most beautiful scenery I could imagine
- I did not find love - though I searched for it in many places
- I welcomed my third nephew to the world
- I have laughed and I have cried
- I have forgiven, and have been forgiven
- I have shared joy and tears with friends
- I ran my 12th Easterfest music festival
- I celebrated my 30th birthday and rejoiced in the years
- I have taken more photos in these 365 days than in the last 5 years combined
- I attended 1 funeral
- I attended 1 wedding
- I learned to let go of what I have been holding tightly for the last 10 years
- I made a life changing plan
- I lost 14kgs and found 9 of them again
- I discovered the incredible blessings in my life that I had taken for granted
I pray that 2011 will bring
- Safety for my family
- Joy for my friends
- Peace
- Hope
- Love
- Contentment
- Boldness
- Knowledge
- Faith
- Joyful reunions
- Strength to let go
- Empathy and understanding
May 2011 bring you and your family simple happiness, contagious laughter and unimaginable joy.