Saturday, June 20, 2009

I think I was born 60 years too late

Yes it is true. I am completely convinced that I was supposed to be born in 1920, so I could be in my 20’s during the war years. Not that I really want to be around during that time for the war itself, but I really love that era.

Think about it, the fashions were amazing – little hats, pencil skirts, jackets, dresses… the women were curvaceous and that was a good thing. You were thought to be sickly if you were too skinny.

The men were… men. The good ones went off to war to fight and the lucky ones came home. They were courageous, they were courteous, they knew how to treat a girl like she was the most important person in the world. I say this with my only reference being movies I have seen, books I have read and grandparents I have talked to – so I am fully aware that I might be completely wrong.

There were movies and dances, leisurely walks and time to talk. Wholesome dinners with the family, milkshakes at the corner store and rides in the car. Life seemed more simple then.

Thinking about it, maybe I just want to be Allie from 'The Notebook' movie. She just looks so super cute!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i agree......i love that movie ...she is supa cute