Thursday, December 23, 2010

On a rainy day

DAY 45

It's encouraging to see that some things don't change.
Little girls still love to play in the rain, even 25 years later.

Above are my nieces Ava and Eden last weekend.

Below is my sister Alison and I back in 1984.

I am particularly fond of my yellow rain hat and matching raincoat.
And my red mittens.

I'd bet money that our pants are made of corduroy.
And made that 'thwit, thwit, thwit' noise when you walked.
It meant I could never sneak up on anyone.
Must have been a fight prevention measure that mum had introduced.
She was sneaky like that.

Not sure why Alison felt the need to sit in the middle of the swing and not on the seat.
She must have been going through the 'I worship my big sister' phase.
Pity that phase ran out so soon.


I miss you Allie.
And our cups of tea.

1 comment:

Alison Smith said...

You have a very funny look on your face! & all I can remember is that you can go higher when you sit in the middle? or maybe its a bit more secure?
i am having my morning cup of tea now & i wish you were here to chat to. :( sad, very sad.